- If about microfinance or inclusive finance, I write about things which I hear, about events I go to, or articles I read. There is a small bias towards mobile payments, alternative delivery channels, and alternative data for credit scoring since I am am very interested in these topics. When I do not blog about interesting topics, I am an impact microfinance investment officer at the European Investment Bank (EIB).
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Tag Archives: research
2015 MIV Survey – Same same but a little different
I still remember how a CGAP colleague and I wrote the first report on investment funds investing into microfinance. The task was not so easy since the real financial sector terminology and our donor-focused microfinance lingo was very much out of … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein
Tagged investment funds, research
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A US study: Utility and telecom payment data predict loan repayment capacity!
I still remember my times at CGAP when the Technology Team was working with PERC, a research center and advocacy group working on: reducing credit invisibility, ie., “credit invisibles” without credit data are most often rejected by mainstream lenders using … Continue reading
The European Responsible Investment Fund Survey 2015
In line with my blog on social performance of Microfinance Investment Vehicles: „Practicing what you preach?! Social Performance of 5 social investors“, and the one on the GIIN (Global Impact Investing Network) “Impact Investing Network: an analysis of 300 impact … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein
Tagged impact investing, Luxembourg, research
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Financial inclusion – even though it sometimes feels like a Sisyphus job….
However, I must say I felt happy after reading the recently published Global Findex Database 2014. The document presents the current state of financial inclusion and even though we are still missing 2bn people currently unbanked (of which 1.1bn are … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein
Tagged access to finance, research
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State of the Industry – Mobile Financial Services for the Unbanked
No time to read it? Let me do it and write out the main messages for you: Most of us know the data: 2.5bn people unbanked and relying on informal financial services which are unsafe, inconvenient, and expensive. However, 1bn … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein
Tagged mobile banking, research
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Kenya Financial Diaries – How do low-income households manage their money ?
Wouldn´t it be great to better understand the financial lives of low-income clients? How they prefer to save, to whom they lend money to borrow from them at a later stage, how many times they experience a family emergency, etc. … Continue reading