- If about microfinance or inclusive finance, I write about things which I hear, about events I go to, or articles I read. There is a small bias towards mobile payments, alternative delivery channels, and alternative data for credit scoring since I am am very interested in these topics. When I do not blog about interesting topics, I am an impact microfinance investment officer at the European Investment Bank (EIB).
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Tag Archives: financial education
Can the time I spent on Facebook determine my credit score? The birth of a Chinese Lending Club…
…this is at least the hypothesis of China’s largest peer-to-peer lending site. They have rated 50m Chinese consumers for creditworthiness using social networking and computer gaming data. i.e., if you spend a lot of time chatting on social networks or playing computer … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein
Tagged alternative data, consumer protection, credit analysis, financial education
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Combining inclusion and protection?
… so this is a guest post by guest blogger Claudia Huber: I remember Compartamos’ initial public offering (IPO) in early 2007. Microfinance still being considered the panacea to all development problems, Compartamos shares were 13 times oversubscribed and sold … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein
Tagged Africa, consumer protection, financial education, mobile banking
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Do we need training on finance in Luxembourg?!
It seems so: From March 9-13 2015, Luxembourg will celebrate its “Woch vun de Suen” in the context of the European Money Week. With 4% of all households in Luxembourg being overindebted (12% for Europe), the Luxembourg Banker´s Association launched a … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein
Tagged financial education, Luxembourg
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